HGSE IT Support

OpenScholar is designed to be a build-it-yourself tool. As such, when you request a site, you take on site ownership, and assume responsibility for creating and maintaining its content.

While you don't need to go through HGSE IT to create a new OpenScholar site, if you choose to use our services, we are able to offer:

  • A site template that complies with HGSE branding and accessibility guidelines,
  • A  gse.harvard.edu website address (e.g. its.gse.harvard.edu) as opposed to the default URL OpenScholar automatically assigns to the page,
  • Administrative assistance, including the creation of your site and user accounts, and
  • IT web service support that allows us to troubleshoot and assist with ongoing technical difficulties.

We also offer consultations for you to ask questions of our expert OpenScholar staff.